Native Watercraft - ​I should probably make this my goal of 2019. When I originally included Native Watercraft in my links list, I stated I wanted The Slayer Propel 13...and now I have my heart set on the Titan. Clearly, Native Watercraft is the OG of peddle drives and we love them for it.
Jackson Kayaks - Another kayak company I wouldn't mind owning a few of their models. They have been around a long time and always continue to enhance their kayaks for different types of kayak fishers.
Producto Lure Company - Great Plastic and very knowledgeable people. This guy has done a lot of bass and inshore fishing all over the state so he is a wealth of information, passionate and makes an awesome, time tested product. ​
Stankx Bait - I love the color combinations of everything, but I am always running out of stick baits, and some of their patterns are perfect. It's nice to see people take something they are passionate about and turn it in to a business that offers something of value in the world.
Bitters - Great bait and tackle shop located on 1792, just north of 434. I love the selection here and the fact that they carry their own line of baits.
Tackle Warehouse - An online store that has a good layout and is user friendly. A lot of times when you can't find it other places, you can find it here.
Other Blogs
The Whole Book - My bible study, starting in Genesis. Just trying to find the whole counsel...
Catfish and Cheese Grits - Prose for the soul. The band that never was and the thoughts I'd like to share.
The Orianne Society - I love that there are people in society that see the importance of helping all species survive, even reptiles and amphibians...two classes that are often ignored or deemed to have no real value. It's a shame humans can be so dense luckily we have people like The Orianne Society!
KingSnake - There is absolutely everything related to reptiles and amphibians there. Forum, classifieds, information and resources, news, etc.
Scale Approved!
WBC Graphics - began as a father/son vehicle wrap company and has now transformed into so much more...